SATURDAY SEMINAR: Who do you know? How to create an expert source program to gain positive publicity

As journalists today face tighter deadlines and shrinking news staffs, they are reaching out for help to create captivating content on a quick turnaround. So, when reporters call, do you know who the experts are in your organization that you can turn to?

In this Saturday seminar, learn how to develop an expert source program for your company that’ll make you the go-to person for journalists from business and consumer publications to trade publications in your industry and your clients’ industries. Take away award-winning, proven, practical tips and templates that you can begin to implement on Monday.

Karren JeskePresented by: Karren Jeske, APR
Corporate Communications Manager
Standard Process Inc.

Refreshments will be served.

Walk-ins will be accepted and charged a $10 late fee in addition to the fees listed below.

Please note: In the event of severe weather, a cancellation notice will be posted online and emailed to all participants.

When: Jan. 24, 2015

Time: 9 to 11:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. registration

Where: Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 W. Watertown Plank Road., Wauwatosa Rooms H1210 and H1230


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