Members of the Southeastern Wisconsin chapter of PRSA will have the chance to vote at 5:15 p.m. Thursday, December 14 at PR Palooza, for its slate of officer’s proposed for 2023.
The nominating committee puts forth the following individuals to serve in leadership positions for the coming year:
President: Angela Hersil
Past President/Paragons Chair: Dave Racine
Treasurer/President-Elect: Jackie Gozdowiak
Secretary: Amy Freeze
Membership: Kaitlyn Backe
Marketing: Brian Knox
Palooza: Marlaina Quintana
Midwest District: Josh Anderson
Ethics/APR: Ann Knabe & Michael Pflughoeft
Director at Large: Rachael Glaszcz
Assembly Delegate: Tammy Belton-Davis
PRSSA Liaison: Heidi Fendos