We invite Imagine MKE Director of Marketing and PR Lindsay Sheridan to lead us in a gathering focused on inspiration and connection – and on reflecting on the arts in Milwaukee. We’ll start with hearing from performer, dancer, and photographer Mauriah Donegan Kraker, who will lead participants through a series of movement practices. Then, we’ll move into breakout rooms to discuss the impact of arts and culture on the city. Finally, we’ll come back together to discuss what we talked about, and cover the mission and goal of Imagine MKE.
Imagine MKE is the connector, convener, and amplifier of the arts and culture community in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our work is rooted in the belief that arts and culture have the power to transform Milwaukee and be the catalyst for social, economic, and civic vitality. Driven by this belief, we unite within our sector and across the city around work that sustains artists and arts organizations, positions creatives at key leadership tables, and partners with others to build a thriving and inclusive city.