Perception is part of public relations. People’s opinions matter. Public opinion about an organization, a product, an event, a policy, a law, a person, can make or break you. Find out how public opinion is influenced through opinions in media and how public relations people try to shape those opinions. How are topics selected and researched? How are positions formed and sides taken? Most importantly, what can public relations practitioners do about it?
David Haynes, editorial page editor at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Jerry Bott, General Manager at News Talk 1130 WISN, will share their insights on managing the issues that demand their attention. Evan Zeppos, managing director and executive vice president at Laughlin Constable, will discuss how public relations people should interact with media and what the expectations should be in generating or responding to media opinions, as well as the changing ways opinions are formed outside traditional media.
Cost: $30 members; $45 guests, $25 students