Paragon Awards Luncheon


The 2016 Paragon Awards Banquet will be held from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 19, at Potawatomi Hotel & Casino.

We’ve received approximately 65 Paragon award entries this year; thank you to everyone who submitted an entry. Entries are currently being judged by another partnering PRSA chapter; we will notify finalists no later than May 9th.

We are honored to announce the 2016 recipients of the Communicator of the Year and Dorothy Thomas Black Awards:

Peter Feigin is this year’s Communicator of the Year Award recipient.Peter Feigin - Headshot

With his experience in both the NBA and the corporate world, Peter Feigin provides a versatile skill set as the President of the Milwaukee Bucks.

Peter brings a decade of sports, corporate management and marketing experience to the Milwaukee Bucks organization. His skills are the key to the organizations securing additional sponsorships, creating new community partnerships, growing its vibrant workforce and building a first-rate multi-purpose facility for the city of Milwaukee.

As the former chief marketing and revenue officer for Deluxe Entertainment Services Group, Peter has managed global business units and handled branding across this international entertainment company. He has also worked for the New York Knicks in roles culminating in his position as vice president of marketing, increasing profits, season subscriptions and suite revenue during his tenure.

Peter has served as a senior advisor to the Milwaukee Bucks since the ownership change, helping re-organize and re-focus its business operations. He has also served on the boards of The Leverage Agency, Arena Media and The Agency, all involved in sports and entertainment marketing and media.

JerryTop HeadShotThis year’s Dorothy Thomas Black Award recipient is Jerry Topczewski, APR, Chief of Staff for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Jerry is a long-standing member of the Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter of PRSA, serving multiple terms on the board of directors. He also has served on the chapter’s inaugural community services committee; as a chapter membership committee chair; as part of APR review teams, and as a member of the Paragon Awards committee. He has earned five chapter PRSA awards of excellence and merit for public relations programs. Jerry is currently serving as Chief of Staff and Chief Communications Officer for Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Coming to the Paragon Awards Luncheon? We’re collecting tooth brushes, travel size tooth paste, travel size shampoo to donate to the Repairers of the Breach Homeless Day Shelter as part of our ongoing community service project with them.

When: May 19, 2016

Time: 11:30 Registration and Networking, 12-1:30 Luncheon and Presentation

Where: Potawatomi Hotel & Casino - 1721 W Canal St. - Please utilize the free valet parking available at the main entrance to the hotel.


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