PRO DAY 1/2 Day event for PRSSA Members and College PR/Marketing Students

Learn about Connected Living & the Internet of Things,
Meet PR Pros, Sharpen Your Resume and Tour Some Really Fresh PR Venues

What: The Public Relations Society of America Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter, the largest PR professional organization in Wisconsin with over 300 members, is hosting a great event for college students to learn more about careers in PR/Marketing.

Date: Friday, April 21, 2017

11:30 am:       Networking with professionals
12-1:30 pm:    Luncheon Speaker Brandi Boatner of IBM speaking on Connected Living & the Internet of Things

Smart cars, smart homes, smart meters — with mobile technology quickly becoming a lifestyle, the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) is vast. But, are you ready to harness the power of IoT for communications? Discover how IoT can create an entirely new marketing channel for you as a communicator.

  • Gain awareness of the connected living era and the loT.
  • Discover the potential of the loT for marketing and communications.
  • Learn how to leverage the loT to identify market trends to drive better customer/client experiences.
  • Explore how IoT, when coupled with social media, will allow communications professionals to identify and take advantage of emerging trends.

1:30-2:15 pm: Resume critiquing (Bring 5 copies of your resume along to have PR pros review it and weigh in on how you can improve it.)
2:30–3:15 pm: Tours
3:30-4:15 pm: Tours

Tour Options: Two PR/Marketing Agencies: Core Creative and B+L, a Non-Profit: Skylight Music Theatre, and a Radio Station: 88 Nine Radio Milwaukee (Participants get to choose to visit two of the four options.)

Where: Italian Community Center, 631 E Chicago St, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (free  parking in back)


Brandi Boatner of IBM

More on our Luncheon Speaker: Brandi Boatner is the Digital Experience Manager for IBM’s Global Technology Services in New York City. Her responsibilities include developing and driving digital communications and content that supports the way IBM engages external audiences and enterprise IT professionals. As digital experience manager she oversees a holistic digital ecosystem across platforms (including Websites, blogs, social media sites and mobile devices) and people globally.

Menu: Chicken Teriyaki, Wild Rice and Green Beans Almondine Dessert: Vienna Torte

The 2017 PRO Day is being sponsored by:

Big Shoes Logo (Large) BJ Logo

When: April 21, 2017

Time: 11:30 am: Networking with professionals; 12-1:30 pm: luncheon and speaker; 1:30-2:15 pm: Resume critiquing; 2:30–3:15 pm: Tours; 3:30-4:15 pm: Tours

Where: Italian Community Center, 631 E Chicago St, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (free parking in back)


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