The Power of Podcasts

According to statistics compiled by Apple, there are more than 700,000 podcasts available to listeners in 2019 with more than 29 million episodes to choose from. More than half of all Americans say they’ve listened to a podcast, with more than four out of five of those listeners between the ages of 18 and 54. That’s a lot of valuable audience to position your brand in front of. If you’re interested in starting a podcast for your business or client, or fine tuning the one you already have, you’ll want to join us at our Sept. 18 luncheon at the Italian Community Center.

Richie Burke, founder and CEO of GoGeddit Marketing and Media, will provide insight into the world of podcasting. He’s helped internationally recognized brands, including Trek Bicycle, Colliers International, Thrivent Financial, Komatsu and Marquette University, with his expertise in podcast production as well as marketing, brand strategy and digital marketing. He also serves as the host of the GoGedders Podcast which is syndicated by OnMilwaukee and highlights interesting topics critical in moving the city forward.

Sign up today for what’s sure to be an interesting conversation.



When: Sept. 18, 2019

Time: 11:30 am registration and networking 12-1:30 pm luncheon and program

Where: Italian Community Center, 631 E. Chicago Street (free parking in bacl


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