Tammy Belton-Davis – Assembly Delegate

Tammy Belton-Davis is the Assembly Delegate for PRSA Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter.  For 14 years, she has served as founder and president of Athena Communications, a brand management and government affairs firm specializing in strategic communications, equity and inclusion practices, and media engagement, with client partners engaged in transformational and systems change work.

Most recently, Tammy served as the first appointed chief diversity officer with Milwaukee Repertory Theater, the largest regional theater in Wisconsin while concurrently leading her firm. She is an award-winning public relations and diversity professional. In 2021 she was named a Woman of Influence by the Milwaukee Business Journal, an honoree in the inaugural class of Most Notable Alumni, a recognition for distinguished alumni recognized by the Biz Times, and the recipient of the inaugural Governor’s Tourism Award for Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion. The award recognizes demonstrated leadership in raising awareness, or facilitating change, to build a more inclusive and welcoming environment for visitors to Wisconsin.

Prior to launching Athena in 2009, Tammy excelled in senior level positions in city government and community-based organizations and served as staff assistant with the Milwaukee County Board and Milwaukee Common Council. She graduated with her bachelor’s degree in professional communications from Alverno College.