Notice of 2017 Annual Meeting

All members are hereby notified that the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America will be:

Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 6:00 pm  at:

Bader Rutter, 1433 N. Water St., Ste 100, Milwaukee, WI 53202

The following item of business will be brought before the members:

Election of 2018 Officers and Directors

The following persons have been nominated by the Chapter’s Nominating Committee:

President – Patrick McSweeney, APR, Fellow PRSA

President-Elect –Karren Jeske, APR

Treasurer – Jeff Dardis

Secretary – Ryan Amundson

Membership Officer – Katharine Foley

Director at Large – Katy Glodosky

Previously elected and also serving will be:

Immediate Past-President – Sara Rude

Director at Large – Steph Graham

Director at Large – Holly Hasleyl, APR

Ethics Officer/Midwest District  Liason–  Christine Dunbeck

In addition, the following Bylaw changes are being proposed:


Section 1. Composition. The governing body of the Chapter shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Officer, the Immediate Past President, and at least three Directors-at-Large. In addition, two Assembly Delegates with credentials that follow PRSA National Assembly requirements shall be selected from these board members.

Section 2. Assembly Delegates. The Assembly Delegate(s) shall serve as the Chapter’s representative(s) at the meetings of the PRSA Assembly and shall be elected by the Chapter membership at the annual meeting.

Section 3. Directors-at-Large. Directors-at-Large shall be elected each year by the Chapter membership at its Annual Meeting to serve a term beginning January 1st next ensuing and until his/her successor is elected or installed.

Section 4. Ethics Officer. One director shall be appointed to serve a term of three years as the Chapter’s Ethics Officer to promote and inspire the highest levels of ethical behavior and performance among PRSA members. This role will also serve as the Midwest District Liaison to the Chapter.