How SEO and PR are BFFs

Just a year ago, there were rules about how to write a news release that would be friendly to search engines. But now, there is so much more that PR pros can do online to help boost the profiles of their organizations or their clients. Blogs, blog commentary, discussions, images, influencers, social media newsrooms – these are all new tools in a PR pro’s arsenal. But how do you decide which ones? How do they work with the way the top search engines now perform?

Next week’s PRSA  luncheon, you’ll get a better idea on just how to make SEO and your PR efforts the best of friends. Bill Finn, Founder and President of Finn Digital, LLC and members of his internationally-recognized team will be on hand to talk about SEO for PR, propose some strategies, and take your questions in an interactive and informative session.

A little more about Bill. He is responsible for the strategic innovation, design and support of digital media initiatives, bringing more than 12 years of expertise with Fortune 100 and other corporations, both national and international in scope.

The Finn Digital team consults on, designs, and produces business communications projects including interactive marketing strategy, e-learning, core business data applications, rich internet media, video and corporate event media. Their work has won best-of-category and excellence awards from the Business Marketing Association in 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, and 2005 as well as multiple awards from the International Academy of Visual Arts in 2008.

Put in on your calendar- Thursday, June 24th at the Pfister Hotel.

Register online at