Sponsor our PR Palooza event

PRSA is seeking sponsors for its PR Palooza holiday party on Wednesday, Dec. 7 from 5-8 p.m. at Villa Terrace. Plan now to be a part of this great industry event and fun night of networking. Sponsorship opportunities are as follows:

PR Palooza 2016 Presenting Sponsor: $1,000

Sponsor benefits:

  • Logo included in PR Palooza ads in The Milwaukee Business Journal (up to 2 ads to promote this event will run in November)
  • Sponsorship mention on blog & social media sites (Facebook and Twitter) and on Chapter Web site with logo
  • Link from PRSA Chapter Web site program page to sponsor’s site
  • Logo in all PR Palooza e-blasts
  • Five (5) admission tickets to the event
  • Signage recognition at the event
  • Verbal recognition at the event
  • Ability to have sponsor brochure/information available at event
  • Second “sponsorship” support recognition at one PRSA monthly meeting in 2015

PR Palooza 2016 Supporting Sponsor: $ 500

Sponsor benefits:

  • Sponsorship mention on blog & social media sites (Facebook and Twitter) and on Chapter Web site with logo
  • Link from PRSA Chapter Web site program page to sponsor’s site
  • Logo in all PR Palooza e-blasts
  • Two (2) admission tickets to the event
  • Verbal recognition at the event
  • Ability to have sponsor brochure / information available at event

To secure your sponsorship, please email Kelly Savage at kelly.savage.lvv0@statefarm.com.

Save the dates: 2016 Chapter events

Mark your calendars for the following events! More details to come on on our website.

Trends in Content Marketing
Jan. 20, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Italian Community Center

Dose of Reality PSA Campaign
Feb. 17, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Italian Community Center

Jagler to review changes and challenges in communicating for businesses
March 16, 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Italian Community Center

Perfecting the art of an essential, yet often ignored skill: Speaking Effectively
April 20, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Italian Community Center

Paragons Awards Ceremony
May 19, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Italian Community Center

Luncheon: Is Content Marketing so Yesterday?
Afternoon Workshop: How to Apply Content Marketing to Public Relations
June 15, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Italian Community Center

Summer Social
Aug. 17, 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Thirsty Duck in Wauwatosa

Event TBD
Sept. 21, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Italian Community Center

Paragons Best of Show Presentation
Oct. 18, 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Italian Community Center

Event TBD
Nov. 16, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Italian Community Center

PR Palooza
Dec. 7, 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Location TBD

Notice of Annual Meeting

All members are hereby notified that the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America will be held:

Tuesday, December 9, 2015

6:00 pm

Villa Terrace  Decorative Arts Museum

2220 N. Terrace Ave., Milwaukee


The following item of business will be brought before the members:

I. Election of 2016 Officers and Directors

The following persons have been nominated by the Chapter’s Nominating Committee:

President – Heidi Fendos

President-Elect – Sara Rude

Secretary – Phill Trewyn

Director at Large – Kelly Savage, APR

Director at Large – Matt Wisla

Assembly Delegate – Audra Jacobs

Assembly Delegate – Emily Bultman

Previously elected and also serving will be:

Immediate Past-President – Bill Bussler

Director at Large – Meg Hemmelgarn

Director at Large – Don Klein

Assembly Delegate – Patrick McSweeney, APR

Ethics Officer – Karren Jeske, APR

Membership Officer – Tim Olsen, APR

Treasurer – Annie Gentil

Data Visualization: Get Some Data in Your Life

By Lauren Gonn

CKDY0bKWoAA_ktY.jpg-largeKevin Crowe joined us for our July luncheon, explaining the ins and outs of data visualization. So what is data visualization? It is considered to be the presentation of data in a pictorial or graphical format. In other words: charts, pictures, graphs, video and other tools used to get a point across.

Crowe talked more specifically on data journalism, stating that many people see it as the future of journalism. In reality, it has already been used for centuries in many ways. Basically using statistics, design, computer science and much more to determine an issue and report it to the public.

This scientific approach to reporting combines surveys and analyzes demographics in order to test and draw conclusions. There are different forms of data journalism and different kinds of data. Some of the forms Crowe focused on are “quick-turn dailies,” web applications and months/years investigations. The dailies are open source (free) tools, like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for example, that provide specific information on a subject often. Most data has a documentation on how, when, and where to use it.

CKDa8cbUwAEiVHE.jpg-largeUsing homeowner property as an example, let’s say you want to know how much you are paying in taxes, and how much your home is worth compared to your neighbor. The different kinds of data that would be involved in this topic are: metrics on property assessors, assessed values for different countries, contact info for assessors, data on when different municipalities did property re-evaluations, etc.

Data visualization allows you to break down this information in detail, figure out what it is you are trying to decipher and in a way that appeals to everyone.

Recap of “The Bucks: A Fresh Start” luncheon

By Lauren GonnPRSA bucks luncheon feb2015

Milwaukee Bucks President Peter Feigin, and Senior Vice President Jake Suski spoke at PRSA Southeastern Wisconsin’s Feb. 18 luncheon to share the Bucks’ approach to marketing and public relations.

Feigin and Suski explained their goals and challenges with the Bucks organization and how they want to transform and re-develop the organization. They see public relations as a big piece of their messaging strategy, with their greatest asset being the actual basketball players. Their goals include establishing more partnerships in the community, and using social media to increase engagement among fans.

The Bucks players love Milwaukee and once basketball season is over, the Bucks are hoping more and more players will want to settle down in the area; instead of leaving till the next season. The organization continues to work on expanding their audience – which gets easier as they continue to play well! The Bucks are doing a fantastic job at identifying what they need to do; and developing the right strategy to accomplish their goals.

Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) celebrates its golden anniversary

Have you ever contemplated the significance of the three capital letters following the names of some PR professionals? Do you even know what they stand for? What about the value they bring to your employer, client, career and you personally?

The Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) program celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, and we see this as the perfect opportunity to briefly reflect on the program and its value to PR professionals.

What is accreditation?
As a brief background, the credential was established in 1964 and is the PR profession’s only national postgraduate certificate program. Administered by the Universal Accreditation Board (UAB), the program is voluntary and aims to unify and advance the PR profession through recognizing individuals who have demonstrated a high-level of understanding, dedication and experience in the field.

What are the benefits?
Today, more than 5,000 professionals hold the APR designation, and it is a career milestone that many look to achieve as a PR professional. Unlike many professional certifications, the APR is not a requirement, making it more desirable. And while some seek it out for a raise or a better job, many simply just appreciate the title for what it signifies – a commitment to the PR profession.

A few primary reasons for professionals to earn their APR include:

  1. APR is a mark of excellence
  2. APR promotes lifelong learning
  3. APR is a method of career enhancement
  4. APR enhances the PR profession in general
  5. APR demonstrates the desire to succeed

Celebrate the 2014 landmark
As 2014 marks the 50th year for the APR, we invite you to join us at this year’s Paragon Awards to recognize the accomplishments of Milwaukee’s APRs as well as learn more about its value and relevance.

Will you win big this year?

Will you win big this year? PRSA Paragon Awards

We know the when (Tuesday, June 3) and the where (the Hilton Milwaukee City Center). Now, WHO will be the big winners at this year’s Paragon Awards? To find that out, we need your entries!

The Paragon Awards honor excellence in public relations work from the Southeastern Wisconsin area. This year’s awards program in early June will honor the winners in each of the 44 unique categories. Entries are split into two main divisions. Program entries include all plans and materials from the inception to the completion of the program. Tactical entries are stand-alone pieces, such as press kits, websites, social media tactics and special events, that support a complete program.

The judging process evaluates all entries based on five criteria:

  • Objectives
  • Research and Planning
  • Execution
  • Budget
  • Results

Entries that achieve a determined score will earn either an Award of Merit or an Award of Excellence. Since entries are scored against criteria, not other entries in the category, there may be more than one winner at each level in each category.

Judges also select a Best in Show recipient from the top-scoring Program entries. This year’s Paragon Awards will be judged by qualified PRSA members from another chapter, allowing for objective and professional evaluation for all entries.

Entries for your exemplary 2013 work are being accepted NOW through Friday, May 2. Be sure to check out the 2014 Paragon Award entry page to learn more about the categories, requirements for entry and to download an entry form and template.