Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, February 20, 2015

After a bitterly cold week in southeastern Wisconsin, all I can say is TGIF! As I looked back on this week and some of my favorite articles from the past few days, I recognized a common theme; Twitter. Social media is always a hot topic in the world of PR so before you head out in the cold to start your weekend, check out some light reading about a Twitter PR nightmare, the connection between Twitter and website traffic, and how your style impacts the success of your Twitter account. Enjoy!

Bloomberg Business
Fashion company tweets about its interns; PR nightmare ensues Read>>>

This tool could make your tweets more popular Read>>>

The Atlantic
The unbearable lightness of tweeting Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, December 5, 2014

Somehow we’re less than one month away from a brand new year already! As 2015 looms near, it’s time to look at new and improved ways to implement our public relations, marketing and social media plans. As we look ahead, consider some of the tips and information in the Top 3 PR Articles of the Week. Enjoy!

Fast Company
Eight surprising tips on getting more retweets backed by science Read>>>

Seven social media resolutions for 2015 Read>>>

How messaging apps are changing media distribution Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, November 21, 2014

Whether you’re watching the news, having lunch with friends, sitting in a bar or watching football on a Sunday afternoon, there always seems to be a buzz about social media. Did you see the picture of Jane’s new house on Twitter? Did you see the Black Friday coupon code for big screen TVs on Facebook?

However, it’s important to remember that there are some down sides of social media as well. Therefore, the articles from this week address whether social media is a waste of time for brands, what we get wrong about social media and ways to hide your personal life by building a professional Facebook page.

Fast Company
Brand are wasting time and money on Facebook and Twitter, report says Read>>>

What boomers and Gen Xers get wrong about social media Read>>>

Facebook developing a professional website ‘Facebook at Work’: FT Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, October 24, 2014

It looks like we’re going to get one last weekend with nice weather before the bitter cold starts to set in so I’m going to keep this short and sweet! For this week, check out the following articles about Facebook’s new Rooms app, tips on building a brand on Twitter and some useful tools that make a PR professional’s job a little bit easier.

USA Today
Facebook launches Rooms app for anonymous sharing of interests Read>>>

20 tools every PR professional needs to know Read>>>

All Twitter
How to build a unique visual brand on Twitter Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome to September (already)! While the mild summer we had is almost behind us, social media, branding campaigns, budgets and reporter requests are here to stay. Therefore, the Top 3 PR Articles of the Week address the timing of social media posts, a new concept for Twitter and branding challenges for the NFL. Enjoy!

Social Media Today
Are You Losing Followers by Not Timing Your Social Media Posts Correctly? Read>>>

Fast Company
Twitter may adopt a Facebook-like algorithmic feed Read>>>

4 branding challenges for the NFL Read>>>

Have a great weekend!

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, August 29, 2014

Just when you thought social media couldn’t get any hipper, Instagram released a new app that creates professional looking time lapse videos and Twitter launched an online training program for marketers and advertisers. The Top 3 PR Articles from this week show how companies have adapted to new social media outlets and how they can include their audience. Enjoy!

Ad Week
Hyperlapse is out and companies are giving the app some early attention. Read>>>

Sriracha CEO hosts factory tours in response to negative press about unwanted effects in the community. Read>>>

PR Daily
The chirping bird that immortalized hashtags is now helping agencies by introducing a program for businesses on how to use Twitter effectively. Read>>>


Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, August 8, 2014

Happy Friday! Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are three of the most popular social media sites currently in use. The Top 3 PR Articles of the Week feature some insights on these three social networks, including information on how Instagram is making progress, what happens to mobile traffic when Facebook is down and how Twitter’s new design has resulted in more active users. Enjoy!

Instagram marketing is quickly catching up to Facebook Read>>>

Chartbeat: Mobile traffic dropped 8.5 percent during Friday’s Facebook outage Read>>>

Twitter’s recent design tweaks make users more active Read>>>

Have a great weekend!

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Take 5: Sarah Doran

Sarah Doran

Chapter position: Paragon Awards co-chair
Current position: Content specialist, Bader Rutter

What’s the craziest thing you’ve had to do for work? “Shovel” out a snowed in and iced over door with a small car ice scraper at 5 a.m. in early February, stand outside for 4 hours helping girls sell cookies and then give TV news interviews while very cold and wet.

What social media outlets do you use? LinkedIn for business, Facebook for personal and Twitter for a little mix of both

What do you like to do outside of work? I ride horses at a barn in Richfield. I have learned both jumping and polo in the past two years!

What’s your favorite part about living and working in Southeastern Wisconsin? I love the variety here – of things to do, of industries that are present, of city and country – and the people!

What’s your favorite restaurant in Southeastern Wisconsin? Parkside 23 is one of my favorites.

Take 5 is a recurring set of questions designed to get to know our chapter’s board members.

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, April 25, 2014

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock this week, I think it’s safe to assume that most PR professionals somehow heard about the New York Police Department’s hashtag promotion that didn’t go as planned.

While it was a good idea in theory, the plan to have people post photos of themselves with New York police officers with the hashtag #myNYPD quickly turned into a rash of photos that did not depict the department in a positive light.

As PR professionals, this incident should remind us all to think about every aspect of what we want to accomplish but also what can go completely wrong with a social media promotion.

The Wall Street Journal
NYPD Push for Tweets to Continue
Thousands of Posted Photos Show Police in Bad Light

The New York Times
Lesson for the Police: Be Careful What You Tweet For
New York Police Reach Out on Twitter but Receive a Slap in the Face

NYPD’s hashtag promotion goes awry

What would you do if this hashtag mishap happened to your organization?

Have a great weekend!

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Take 5: Samantha Andrews, MBA, APR

Samantha Andrews

Chapter position: President
Current position: Public relations associate at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin

What do you like best about being a professional communicator? The ability to use writing and speaking skills to tell stories.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve had to do for work? I arranged a wedding at the Packers Experience (NFL inflatable games) when I worked for an entertainment management company in Green Bay.

Who do you suggest your fellow chapter members follow on Twitter? #prsawis, of course!

What’s your favorite restaurant in Southeastern Wisconsin? I love so many, but I’m partial to Balistreri’s on Bluemound or Le Rêve Patisserie and Café.

What’s the best vacation you’ve taken? Seeing my favorite band with my friends at Red Rocks Amphitheatre and driving up to Pike’s Peak in Colorado.

To learn more about Samantha, follow her on Twitter: @SamanthaAndrews.

Take 5 is a recurring set of questions designed to get to know our chapter’s board members.