Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, June 5, 2015

Another week has passed, and while the weather doesn’t quite feel like summer yet, the PR world is still hot with news. This week, the top three articles cover keeping secrets at work, why your brand should be on Pinterest and Facebook’s algorithm. Enjoy!

Why it’s dangerous to keep your team in the dark Read>>>

Why now is the time for brands to go all-in on Pinterest Read>>>

Why Facebook’s algorithm matters: because 60% of millennials get news there Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, May 15, 2015

We’re already half way through the month of May and summer is upon us. However, as PR professionals, we can’t let the pending warm weather distract us for too long. So for this week, the Top 3 PR Articles examine struggling iconic brands, Snapchat video ads and changes in TV coverage. Enjoy!

From McDonald’s to Barbie, iconic brands are struggling Read>>>

Snapchat debuts video ads for 2 cents a view Read>>>

Fast Company
How Periscope, Meerkat and Snapchat will change how TV covers news, sports and weather Read>>>


Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, May 8, 2015

It looks like we’ve finally escaped winter! Before you get out and enjoy the beautiful weather, check out this week’s articles about Snapchat, hashtags and why there’s a growing gap between reporters and PR professionals. Enjoy and Happy Mother’s Day this weekend to all our moms out there!

Snapchat shows the power of its platform, hires star CNN reporter Read>>>

PRSA Tactics
Tag, you’re it: How to create a hashtag crisis strategy Read>>>

The Washington Post
Why the PR industry is sucking up Pulitzer winners Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, April 24, 2015

Yay for Friday! This week, the top three PR articles of the week are all about two powerhouse companies and how they’re influencing the worlds of advertising and news. Check out the stories below about Google’s changes to how you search on your phone and how the Washington Post is using Amazon as a role model for ad targeting. Enjoy!

The Washington Post takes an Amazon-inspired approach to native ad targeting Read>>>

The Washington Post
Google is about to dramatically change how search works on your phone Read>>>

USA Today
5 things to know about ‘Mobilegeddon’ Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, April 10, 2015

As a female millennial, I frequently find myself as the target audience for consumer marketing campaigns and market research. From health care to grocery stores, many consumer brands are trying to figure out the millennial generation and how to communicate with them. Therefore, for this week I chose a few articles about my awesome generation and added in a little advice on public speaking from one of my favorite TV shows, House of Cards. Enjoy!

Survey: Facebook is becoming a primary news source for millennials Read>>>

5 public speaking lessons from ‘House of Cards’ Read>>>

Advertising Age
How marketers can reach mobile-obsessed multicultural millennials Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, March 27, 2015

It’s all about Facebook and social media! This week, Facebook announces a plan to host news sites’ content, best practices of the top brands on social media and how users feel when it comes to interacting with businesses on Facebook. Enjoy!

New York Times
Facebook may host news sites’ content Read>>>

Social Media Today
8 winning habits of social media’s top brands Read>>>

Do Facebook users really want to chat with businesses? Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, March 6, 2015

Happy daylight savings time weekend! There’s only two more weeks until spring officially begins and it’s not going to be dark when we leave work anymore (if we’re lucky) so hang in there! Aside from me daydreaming of warmer weather, my favorite PR related articles of this week covered a variety to topics; millenials, fake news and social media tools. Enjoy!

Study shows secret to managing millennials can be summed up in one word Read>>>

How fake news goes viral, and why it will happen less Read>>>

Social Media Today
These 10 tools will boost the productivity of your social media campaign Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, Feb. 27, 2015

Happy Friday! Hope everyone managed to stay warm this week. We’re all about the infographics in this week’s Top 3 PR Articles of the Week. Enjoy! Perfect elevator speech infographic

The anatomy of a compelling elevator speech:

Customers want to talk to brands, why aren’t they listening?

The best ways to pump up your Instagram strategy:

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, February 20, 2015

After a bitterly cold week in southeastern Wisconsin, all I can say is TGIF! As I looked back on this week and some of my favorite articles from the past few days, I recognized a common theme; Twitter. Social media is always a hot topic in the world of PR so before you head out in the cold to start your weekend, check out some light reading about a Twitter PR nightmare, the connection between Twitter and website traffic, and how your style impacts the success of your Twitter account. Enjoy!

Bloomberg Business
Fashion company tweets about its interns; PR nightmare ensues Read>>>

This tool could make your tweets more popular Read>>>

The Atlantic
The unbearable lightness of tweeting Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care

Top 3 PR Articles of the Week: Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Friday! At some point in our careers, we’ve probably all heard the phrase, “all PR is good PR.” Well….I could definitely argue that this is not always true. While a good PR person may have the ability to turn bad news into a gain, there are some reputations that once tarnished, have a difficult time bouncing back. Therefore, the top 3 articles from this week are all about reputation management. Enjoy!

USA Today
Brian Williams’ unmitigated disaster Read>>>

Fast Company
What Uber needs to do to fix its reputation Read>>>

Bloomberg Business
Harvard lures a record 37,000 applicants by milking social media Read>>>

Kristin Rabas (@krabas)
Sr. Public Relations Advisor
Aurora Health Care